This guide provides helpful resources, search tools, and guidance for your research in Chemistry. Visit the next pages to jump into your research, or get a quick start with one of these top recommended resources:
ScienceDirect is one of the largest collections of published scholarly research. Full text articles are available from over 3,800 journals that cover Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences and Humanities.
Access available at IU Kokomo and off-campus with Network ID.
Vendor: Elsevier
SciFinder is a research discovery application that provides integrated access to the world's most comprehensive and authoritative source of references, substances, and reactions in chemistry and related sciences. It provides information on early discovery through clinical trials with combined coverage from CAS (Chemical Abstracts Services) and MEDLINE. NOTE: To use this resource, please first register for an account. Follow the instructions here to register.
IU Kokomo users must register for an account.
Vendor: American Chemical Society