The Call for Proposal is now closed.
4th Annual Indiana University Libraries Information Literacy Colloquium
What Does It All Mean?: Unpacking the Information Literacy Framework
Location: Indiana University Kokomo, Kokomo, Indiana
Date: Friday, August 7, 2015
The discussions around the development of an Information Literacy Framework have enlivened the library instruction community and challenged us to consider new possibilities for defining, teaching, and assessing information literacy on college and university campuses. With our horizons broadened and our perspectives enlightened, we are beginning to ask “Now What?” of a framework that may exist alongside the Information Literacy Standards, may stand on its own, or may become the theoretical and inspirational driving force for librarians in our role as educators for the foreseeable future. In addition to questioning its viability for being the guiding force that drives information literacy in higher education, librarians are developing and adopting new modes and practices regarding its implementation. The planning committee for this event would like to provide a forum for open discussions and working sessions related to the practical application of the framework. We also welcome critical investigations into the usefulness of the framework within particular institutional contexts. Instead of formal presentations and a keynote speech, the IU Libraries Information Literacy Colloquium will feature workshops designed to engage participants in question-raising, solution-proposing, and idea-generating around one (or more) of the six frames of the Information Literacy Framework and its application to librarians’ approaches to instruction, assessment, and leadership in higher education.
The planning committee is currently seeking proposals for 60-minute workshops featuring a variety of perspectives, approaches, and possibilities related to the application of the Information Literacy Framework. Rather than formal presentations, we are seeking proposals for interactive workshops that would engage participants in understanding, sharing, and developing their own professional practice. Please submit the proposals to by Friday, May 15th. Workshop facilitators will be notified of the status of their proposal by Monday, June 1st.