Start your search for peer-reviewed articles in EDS, a discovery tool that searches across the majority of resources available through the IU Kokomo Library. Be sure to use the Peer Reviewed and Publication Date filters on the left to narrow your search results.
Access available at IU Kokomo and off-campus with Network ID
Vendor: EBSCO
Some search advice for this project:
Try adding the search phrase "sustainable development" to find the most relevant articles on your topic. Here are some examples of search strings you could type into EDS:
"zero hunger" AND "sustainable development"
"gender equality" AND "sustainable development"
climate AND "sustainable development"
Narrow your search results by adding on more specific terms. Try browsing the titles of your search results to find patterns or interesting sub-topics. Here are some examples:
"gender equality" AND "sustainable development" AND education
climate AND "sustainable development" AND farming
Be sure to read the abstract for each article to make sure it's relevant and interesting for your topic, and don't leave the search result page without downloading the PDF and copying the sample citation.
An index of the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. Provides abstracts of journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers, as well as citations to book reviews.
Access available at IU Kokomo and off-campus with Network ID.
Vendor: ProQuest
SAGE Journals provides full text access to journals covering Business, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology and Medicine. All content published by SAGE may be searched, but access to full text may be limited to specific titles.
Access available at IU Kokomo and off campus with Network ID.
Vendor: SAGE Publications
Browse issues and access articles from this leading journal via BrowZine. Article links will take you to full-text options on The University of Chicago Press Journals platform.
Browse journals in Sociology that you can access via the IU Kokomo Library. Browse by sub-topic, skim the titles in recent issues of leading journals, and access full-text articles.